Articles tagged blazor
Secure Your .NET 5 Blazor Server App with MFA

Introduction to Server Blazor apps Blazor is an exciting new technology from Microsoft that will allow developers to bring C# to clients. Server and client components are written in the same language and can be used and re-used interchangeably. Blazor comes in two flavors, server and client apps. In this tutorial you will be working with Server Blazor apps, where the C# code is run on the server, and messages are exchanged using SignalR. I’ll...
Web Forms Migration to Blazor in .NET Core

ASP.NET Web Forms framework has been the cornerstone technology of .Net for web development since the release of .Net Framework in 2002. ASP.NET Web Forms includes a layer of abstraction for developers so that you don’t need to care about HTML, JavaScript, or any other front-end technology. It provides a development flow similar to building desktop apps, a way for developers to build a web page by drag and drop, an event-driven programming model, and...
How to Build Securely with Blazor WebAssembly (WASM)

Last month I came out with a video tutorial on Blazor WebAssembly and I thought it would be good to follow up with a written tutorial as well. Youtube Link Because of the JS Interop, Blazor WASM has some key differences in the world of OAuth. Instead of thinking of this as a normal .NET back end application, you have to think of what Blazor resolves to in the browser - and that’s Javascript. Therefore,...
Get Started with Blazor and WebAssembly

If you’re a modern web dev, you’re probably using JavaScript. Until recently, it was the only serious choice for more web development. For those of us who may not have JS as their primary language competency (but who are still interested in building web apps) that world is beginning to change. Today, we have WebAssembly (Wasm). WebAssembly is an alternative way of developing web applications, and it doesn’t require you to know any JavaScript. WebAssembly...