Articles tagged command-line
Authenticate from the Command Line with Java

Anyone who has tried to type a password using a television remote can tell you what a pain it is. Not only will you be frustrated with the keyboard, but it’s not secure; everyone else in the room can see what you are typing. Fortunately, the OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant gives you an easier way to sign in. The name is a mouthful, but if you have ever logged in to a TV by...
Build a Command Line Application with Node.js

Command line applications (CLI) are often the core tools for automating tasks, such as deploying production applications, running tests, building reports, migrating data, DevOps, and the list goes on and on. If you find yourself doing the same things over and over again, chances are you can automate those steps with a script and save yourself a lot of time! Node.js is a great solution for writing CLI apps. Node.js itself has built-in libraries for...