Articles tagged crud
Build a CRUD App with Vue.js, Spring Boot, and Kotlin

Much like React or Angular, Vue.js is a JavaScript view library. When coupled with a state management library like MobX, Vue.js becomes a full-featured application framework. Vue.js is designed to be incrementally adoptable, so you can use as much or as little of it as you like. Like React, Vue.js utilizes a virtual DOM to streamline processing so that it renders as little as possible on each state update. In my experience, Vue is far...
Build a CRUD App with Angular 9 and Spring Boot 2.2

Angular is a web framework for building mobile and desktop applications. Its first version, AngularJS, was one of the first JavaScript MVC frameworks to dominate the web landscape. Developers loved it, and it rose to popularity in the early 2010s. AngularJS 1.0 was released on June 14, 2014. Angular 9 was recently released, giving Angular quite a successful run in the land of web frameworks. Spring Boot is one of the most popular frameworks for...
Symfony 4.3 + Vue.js: PHP Apps Made Simple
Today’s Web users are a lot more sophisticated than just a few years ago. They expect applications to be fast, secure, and work equally well on their desktops and phones. Meeting these expectations requires a great deal of work so you can provide a reliable backend and a fully dynamic frontend, while keeping the whole system secure and scalable. However, with the right set of tools, you can get started quickly and become productive in...
Build a Simple CRUD Application with Node and MySQL

NodeJS + Express is a popular technology stack for building APIs and backend services. Often times a backend database is required. There are several popular relational databases used in both enterprise and hobby projects. MySQL’s spike in popularity came with the rise of PHP during the early 2000s and today - more than 20 years after the initial release - it’s used on a wide array of technology stacks. In this post, you’ll learn how...
Build a Simple CRUD App with ASP.NET Core, MySQL, and Twilio

In this article, we’ll be building an MVC task management form with .NET Core 2.2. We’ll also be showing how to integrate with a MySQL database from MVC, and how to use Twilio to send SMS messages to your app that will add new tasks to your list. .NET Core and MySQL are both free and open source technologies. The new ASP.NET Core can run on Linux and in Linux Containers, and MySQL is one...
Build a CRUD App with Python, Flask, and Angular

Developers all have their favorite GitHub repositories. They have software projects that they love and watch closely for the latest changes. In this tutorial, you’ll create a simple CRUD application to save and to display your favorite GitHub open source projects. You will use Angular to implement the user interface features and Python for the backend. These days it is not uncommon to have an API that is responsible not only for persisting data to...
Build a CRUD App with ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework

Interested in building a secure ASP.NET MVC website that allows users to handle their own data with ease? Let’s walk through creating a basic application that allows the creation, reading, updating, and deletion of data (CRUD) with Entity Framework by your users while managing them easily with Okta. For a fun example, we will create a web application that lists upcoming rocket launches for space enthusiasts! You will have everything you need to get up...
Build a Basic CRUD App with Laravel and Vue

Laravel is one of the most popular web frameworks today because of its elegance, simplicity, and readability. It also boasts one of the largest and most active developer communities. The Laravel community has produced a ton of valuable educational resources, including this one! In this tutorial, you’ll build a trivia game as two separate projects: a Laravel API and a Vue frontend (using vue-cli). This approach offers some important benefits: It allows you to separate...
Build Simple Login in PHP

Building a user authentication system for your Web application from scratch can be a deceptively tricky job. It seems easy at first, but there are so many details you have to consider - hashing the passwords properly, securing the user sessions, providing a way to reset forgotten passwords. Most modern frameworks offer boilerplate code for dealing with all of these issues but even if you’re not using a framework, do not despair. In this article,...
Build a Simple CRUD App with Python, Flask, and React

Today’s modern web applications are often built with a server-side language serving data via an API and a front-end javascript framework that presents the data in an easy-to-use manner to the end user. Python is a dynamic language widely adopted by companies and developers. The language states on its core values that software should simple, readable making developers more productive and happier. You’ll also use Flask to help you to quickly put together a ReST...
Build a Basic CRUD App with Laravel and React

Laravel is an amazing web application framework which regularly tops the lists of best PHP frameworks available today. This is partly because its based on PHP which runs 80% of the web today and the learning curve is relatively small (despite it being packed with advanced features, you can understand the basic concepts easily). However, the real reason for its popularity is its robust ecosystem and abundance of high-quality learning resources available for free (like...
Build a Simple CRUD App with Spring Boot and Vue.js
Build a Basic CRUD App with Angular and Node

In recent years, single page applications (SPAs) have become more and more popular. A SPA is a website that consists of just one page. That lone page acts as a container for a JavaScript application. The JavaScript is responsible for obtaining the content and rendering it within the container. The content is typically obtained from a web service and RESTful APIs have become the go-to choice in many situations. The part of the application making...
Tutorial: Build a Basic CRUD App with Laravel and Angular

Laravel is a popular PHP framework for Web application development and it’s a pretty good choice if you’re starting a new project today for multiple reasons: Laravel is a well-architectured framework that’s easy to pick up and write elegant code, but it’s powerful as well. It contains many advanced features out-of-the-box: Eloquent ORM, support for unit/feature/browser tests, job queues, and many more. There’s an abundance of great learning resources and it boasts one of the...
Build a Basic CRUD App in Android with Kotlin

Kotlin was recently given official Android support status by Google, but it remains difficult to understand for many developers. The best way to start is by creating a complete app yourself, which you’ll do in this tutorial. In this tutorial, you’ll use Spring Boot for the API that powers your Android (+ Kotlin) mobile app. Spring Boot is a great way to create a robust REST API with a minimal amount of code. I’m going...
Build a Simple CRUD App with ASP.NET Framework 4.x Web API and Vue
ASP.NET Web API was released in 2012. Today, it’s a mature framework for building ReST-ful APIs to back any modern app. It pairs nicely with the newcomer on the client-side block, Vue In this tutorial, you’ll use Vue with .NET Framework 4.7.1 Web API and Visual Studio 2017 to build a simple CRUD app to track your weight and achieve your fitness goals, but really you could use these technologies to do just about anything....
Tutorial: Build a Secure CRUD App with Symfony and React

Building a modern single-page application can be a daunting task for a sole developer because of the sheer amount of different components you need to get in place – you need a backend API, a dynamic frontend, a decent user interface, and everything has to be secure and scalable. However, with the right tools in place, you can get started quickly without compromising quality or performance. Today I’ll show you how to create an app...
Tutorial: Build Your First CRUD App with Symfony and Angular
Building a web application isn’t supposed to be drudgery. No developer has ever said “I’d really like to spend two hours configuring webpack and TypeScript this weekend.” You’d rather build cool stuff NOW and spend time thinking about your applications, not the tools you’re forced to use. In a lot of cases the “cool stuff” is a dynamic, fast, secure single-page app. To achieve that, in this tutorial I’ll show you how to get a...
Build a SPA with ASP.NET Core 2.1, Stripe, and Angular 6
Buying things on the Internet has become a daily activity and is a feature many new projects require. In this tutorial, I will show you how to build an app to sell tickets using an Angular 6 single page app (SPA) using an ASP.NET Core 2.1 backend API. You’ll build both the Angular and ASP.NET Core applications and run them from within VS Code. Let’s get to it! Upgrade to Angular 6 I love to...
Build a CRUD-y SPA with Node and Angular
Even before the release of Angular 6, Angular had gone through some changes over the years. The biggest one was the jump from AngularJS (v1.x) to Angular (v2+), which included a lot of breaking syntax changes and made TypeScript the default language instead of JavaScript. TypeScript is actually a superset of JavaScript, but it allows you to have strongly typed functions and variables, and it will get compiled down to JavaScript so that it can...
Upgrade your ASP.NET Core 2.1 App to Angular 6
With the release of ASP.NET Core, there are several templates in the DotNet CLI. One of those templates is an Angular template that scaffolds a single page application built with Angular and ASP.NET Core. The problem with that template is that it scaffolds an Angular 4.2.5 project and Angular released Angular 6 in May of 2018! In this post, not only will I show you how to build a base CRUD app with ASP.NET Core...
Build a CRUD App with ASP.NET Framework 4.x Web API and Angular
Even with all the hype around ASP.NET Core, many .NET developers continue to develop applications with ASP.NET 4.x. The ASP.NET 4.X framework is still being developed, and will be supported for a long time to come. It’s a battle-tested web framework that has existed for over 15 years and is supported by a mature ecosystem. On the client side, many developers prefer Angular, and it is outstanding for building enterprise-level, feature rich, applications. The application...
Build a Secure CRUD App with ASP.NET Core and React
These days it’s prevalent to have a “back-end” and a “front-end” allowing two (or more) teams to work on a project. Microsoft’s latest version of the ASP.NET Core framework is cross-platform and performant. Pairing it with the power and flexibility of Facebook’s React framework makes it a pretty stable platform. In this tutorial, I will show you how to build a secure CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) application using these two powerful technologies. When...
Tutorial: Build a Basic CRUD App with Symfony 4 and Vue
If you’re a web developer in 2018, then you already know that the expectations are high and the tools are many. Users want progressive web applications and seamless experiences across every device. The focus is shifting from monolithic code to APIs built as microservices and consumed by multiple frontends, and finding our way through the ecosystem of ever-changing tools can be a daunting task even for the most experienced of us. If you’re looking for...
Build a Basic CRUD App with Vue.js and Node

I’ve danced the JavaScript framework shuffle for years starting with jQuery, then on to Angular. After being frustrated with Angular’s complexity, I found React and thought I was in the clear. What seemed simple on the surface ended up being a frustrating mess. Then I found Vue.js. It just felt right. It worked as expected. It was fast. The documentation was incredible. Templating was eloquent. There was a unanimous consensus around how to handle state...