Articles tagged deployment
How to Deploy Your .NET Core App to Google Cloud, AWS or Azure

There has been a cut-throat competition between cloud hosts in the past few years - each attempting to earn the sympathy of developers and dev-ops by rolling out shiny new tools, plugins, and integrations. There are a gazillion how-to tutorials and guides in the community on using these tools. Sometimes when looking for a solution, it is hard to find the newest and simplest way. I never know if an article written last year is...
10x Your Development with the Azure CLI

Back in the days of DOS, software developers couldn’t count much on fancy tools. There were no graphical interfaces, and everything was purely text-based. I remember using brief as an editor for my C source files (C++ didn’t exist yet), and compiling the code from the command line with the Aztec C compiler. The most advanced concept of a non-trivial software project was based on makefiles. The idea of grabbing a mouse and moving it...
Angular Deployment with a Side of Spring Boot

One of the more popular combinations of frontend and backend frameworks is Angular + Spring Boot. I’ve written several tutorials about how to combine the two—from keeping them as separate apps to combining them into a single artifact. But, what about deployment? Developers ask me from time-to-time, "What’s the best way to do Angular deployment?" In this tutorial, I’ll show you several options. I’ll start by showing you how to deploy a Spring Boot app...
Use AWS CloudFormation to Automate Static Site Deployment with S3
Getting started with CloudFormation can be intimidating, but once you get the hang of it, automating tasks is easy. While CloudFormation might seem like overkill for something as simple as deploying a static site (for example you could just copy HTML files to a S3 bucket using the Amazon Console or from the CLI), if your shop uses continuous integration and you have multiple deployments happening at the same time, it’s more efficient for you...