Articles tagged efcore
How to Secure PII with Entity Framework Core

When the products we develop collect sensitive data, it’s essential to secure and safeguard it to protect user privacy and the user’s identity. Personally identifiable information (PII) is any data that can be used to identify a specific individual, such as name, email address, phone number, US Social Security number, birth date, and so on. Yet companies also need to store user-related data that is not as sensitive as PII. In this tutorial, you will...
Build Awesome APIs with Entity Framework Core

.NET Core version 3.1 just came out as of writing this article. It includes a new version of Entity Framework (EF) Core, the next generation of Microsoft’s tried and tested Object Relational Mapper (ORM). Entity Framework has been used alongside ASP.NET for years and has developed a reputation for being an essential tool in any developer’s toolbox for .NET Framework, and now .NET Core. .NET Core now also includes a built-in dependency injection system and...
How to Make a CRUD App with Entity Framework Core

ASP.NET Core is Microsoft’s latest iteration of its web framework, which boasts many upgrades over the .Net Framework versions of ASP.NET. ASP.NET Core is cross-platform—meaning you can finally deploy your ASP.NET apps on Linux. It’s open-source which is a massive departure from Microsoft’s previous line of thinking. Most of the new framework should be familiar to veteran ASP.NET developers however there are some new tweaks to get used to. One of the most popular tools...
Get to Know Entity Framework and PostgreSQL

Entity Framework is one of the most pervasive Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs) for ASP.NET. An ORM maps an application’s object entities to relational entities in a database, and allows developers to build and edit the database schema from the code. Furthermore, Entity Framework’s design makes it particularly friendly for PostgreSQL developers. Entity Framework (EFCore) Core is a lighter weight and more flexible version that specifically enables .NET objects. It reduces the amount of data access code...
Build a CRUD App with ASP.NET Core 2.2 and Entity Framework Core

If you’re like me, you love music. Music is always streaming somewhere in my house at all times. I especially like going to see live music, but it can be hard to know where and when live music is happening. LiveMusicFinder is a web application that allows users to enter when and where some live music is going down. This beta version is very rough, but I will show you how I built it with...