Articles tagged firebase
Build a React App with Firebase Serverless Functions

Firebase is an exciting cloud platform from Google available to businesses today. Firebase connects everything from simple static websites to IoT devices to AI and machine learning platforms. The platform provides various services to facilitate these connections, like storage and authentication. In this tutorial, you will learn about two core Firebase products: Cloud Functions for Firebase and Firebase Hosting. Hosting is for deploying static web applications. Functions are the Firebase serverless platform. You will create...
Angular Deployment with a Side of Spring Boot

One of the more popular combinations of frontend and backend frameworks is Angular + Spring Boot. I’ve written several tutorials about how to combine the two—from keeping them as separate apps to combining them into a single artifact. But, what about deployment? Developers ask me from time-to-time, "What’s the best way to do Angular deployment?" In this tutorial, I’ll show you several options. I’ll start by showing you how to deploy a Spring Boot app...
Use Firebase with Your ASP.NET MVC App

Working with databases hosted online has become easier over recent years. The emergence of Database as a Service (DaaS) specifically makes quick integrations much easier. It is important to keep application user data separate from personally identifiable information, especially in this day and age. When using a third party auth provider like Okta, user information like a name or email address can be stored by that provider directly in their system, benefitting from their oversight...
Build a CRUD App with Angular and Firebase

Storage as a Service (SaaS) is becoming ever more popular with many businesses. The advantages are clear. Instead of maintaining your own backend server you can outsource the service to a different provider. This can result in a significant increase in productivity, as well as a reduction in development and maintenance costs. In addition, the worry about server security is offloaded to the storage provider. SaaS is an option whenever the server part of your...