Articles tagged jvm
Get Groovy with Gradle

In the Java world, there are two main build systems: Gradle and Maven. A build system chiefly manages potentially complex webs of dependencies and compiles the project. It also packages the compiled project along with all the resources and meta files into the final .war or .jar file. For simple builds, the choice between Maven and Gradle is pretty much one of personal taste, or perhaps the taste of your CTO or technical manager. They...
Debugging JVM Performance Issues at Okta

Our customers here at Okta expect a highly-available service that is always there when they need it. We’ve worked hard to design a service architecture that allows us to deploy code and do maintenance without disrupting our customers in any way. How do we achieve that? If we examine one slice of our core service, we have a reverse proxy set up in front of a fleet of Java application servers. When we need to...
Build a Basic CRUD App in Android with Kotlin

Kotlin was recently given official Android support status by Google, but it remains difficult to understand for many developers. The best way to start is by creating a complete app yourself, which you’ll do in this tutorial. In this tutorial, you’ll use Spring Boot for the API that powers your Android (+ Kotlin) mobile app. Spring Boot is a great way to create a robust REST API with a minimal amount of code. I’m going...
Productionalizing ActiveMQ
This post describes our odyssey with ActiveMQ, an open-source version of the Java Messaging Service (JMS) API. We use ActiveMQ as the message broker among our app servers. First, a word of thanks. To overcome the challenges we faced with ActiveMQ, we are greatly indebted to a very thorough description of an OpenJDK bug, as well as some other online resources. If you’re having problems with ActiveMQ, read on. Maybe our story can help you....