Articles tagged kotlin
Build an Android App with RxJava and Kotlin

Modern-day mobile apps do so much. They communicate with different back-ends via network APIs. They store and retrieve data from the local database, do heavy media processing, and communicate with web sockets. It’s hard to keep track of all the information from different asynchronous data sources, especially knowing that the users are accustomed to constantly having a fluid experience with the apps they use. In the early days of Android, developers used the class AsyncTask...
Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster

Java has been at the forefront of microservice architectures since they came to prominence a few years ago. It’s a popular language with well-known, high-quality frameworks, like Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Data, and Spring Security. Spring Boot 2.0 introduced a new web framework called Spring WebFlux. Previous versions of Spring Boot only shipped with Spring MVC as an option. WebFlux offers a way for developers to do reactive programming. This means you can write...
Android Login Made Easy with OIDC

Having a dedicated part of a mobile app for authorized users is a must for a modern-day app. Users want to have a personalized experience with the apps they love. They expect to seamlessly use services on different devices and platforms. And, most of all, they want to be sure that their personal data is secure. Implementing a secure login process on Android can be challenging to achieve since many different moving parts need to...
Create a Secure Ktor Application with Kotlin

In this tutorial, you will build your very own Nano Blogging Service (nabl for short) using a modern JVM stack. This includes using the Kotlin programming language, the Ktor web framework, and securing it with Okta. Users can log in or sign up, post updates, and browse specific or global chronological feed without advertisements. The blogging service displays posts from the selected user or everyone in the chronological feed. Kotlin is often considered a “better...
Deploy a Secure Spring Boot App to Heroku

Developers have cool ideas for pet projects all the time. I often have quite a clear picture of what I want to build and am ready to spend next weekend making the Next Big Thing. The weekend comes finally, and instead of building it, I find myself doing the same repetitive things - deployment, user sign in, registration, deployment, etc. Starting a new project with user registration and a login form is fun! - said...
Build an Android Application with Authentication

With mobile apps becoming ever-present in users' lives, following best security practices has become essential in protecting your users and your apps. Implementing security alone and from the ground up can be costly for your development team, create a less-than-ideal user experience, and be susceptible to design/implementation errors. The easiest path to strong security, and a positive user experience, is to turn to the experts. The Okta OIDC SDK can help with this in many...
Build a CRUD Application with Kotlin and React

In this tutorial, you’re going to build a client and server application using React for the frontend and Kotlin with Spring Boot for the backend. You’ll first build the app unsecured before securing it using Okta. To secure the React frontend, you’ll use OAuth 2.0 login, and for the backend, you’ll use a JSON Web Token and Spring Boot’s resource server OAuth implementation. This tutorial covers a lot of ground. It also uses a lot...
Build a CRUD App with Angular 9 and Spring Boot 2.2

Angular is a web framework for building mobile and desktop applications. Its first version, AngularJS, was one of the first JavaScript MVC frameworks to dominate the web landscape. Developers loved it, and it rose to popularity in the early 2010s. AngularJS 1.0 was released on June 14, 2014. Angular 9 was recently released, giving Angular quite a successful run in the land of web frameworks. Spring Boot is one of the most popular frameworks for...
Kotlin: A Beginner's Guide and Tutorial

Kotlin is a modern, statically typed language within the JVM. Kotlin is a cross-platform, multi-purpose, free and open-source language developed by JetBrains under the Apache 2.0 license and has constructs for both Object Oriented and Functional programming styles, which can be mixed. It can be used for web development, server and client, and mobile development, using most Java IDEs. Kotlin is an awesome option for Java developers because it is concise, expressive, and safe. According...
Build an Application with Spring Boot and Kotlin

In 2011, JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ, decided to create a modern language that would run inside the Java Virtual Machine and address common concerns with Java at the time like its verbosity. This project became Kotlin, a quickly growing and popular language. Google then announced official support for Kotlin on Android, further accelerating its adoption. Many companies started to replace Java with Kotlin as their main language to take advantage of the new features...
Get Groovy with Gradle

In the Java world, there are two main build systems: Gradle and Maven. A build system chiefly manages potentially complex webs of dependencies and compiles the project. It also packages the compiled project along with all the resources and meta files into the final .war or .jar file. For simple builds, the choice between Maven and Gradle is pretty much one of personal taste, or perhaps the taste of your CTO or technical manager. They...
Build a Basic CRUD App in Android with Kotlin

Kotlin was recently given official Android support status by Google, but it remains difficult to understand for many developers. The best way to start is by creating a complete app yourself, which you’ll do in this tutorial. In this tutorial, you’ll use Spring Boot for the API that powers your Android (+ Kotlin) mobile app. Spring Boot is a great way to create a robust REST API with a minimal amount of code. I’m going...
Build a Secure Notes Application with Kotlin, TypeScript, and Okta
I love my job as a developer advocate at Okta. I get to learn a lot, write interesting blog posts and create example apps with cool technologies like Kotlin, TypeScript, Spring Boot, and Angular, which I’m about to demo. When it comes to writing Hello World apps with authentication, I can whip one out in a few minutes. That isn’t because I’m a particularly good programmer, it’s because the languages, frameworks, tools, and platforms available...