Articles tagged macos
Native SSO: Desktop and Mobile Apps Single Sign-On

When you hear SSO (Single Sign-On), you probably immediately think of web apps, and how you only need to sign into one web app first, then all other web apps give you seamless access. Unfortunately, for desktop and mobile applications (often referred to as “native apps”), the seamless web SSO experience (also referred to as native SSO) has not caught on. This is partly due to the lack of an industry standard or best practice...
Discovering macOS Settings with PlistWatch

In the Apple operating systems macOS and iOS, software applications store essential configuration data in an information property list (plist) files. The plist files are managed by the operating system. Although macOS does have utilities for reading and writing plist files, they are low level. It’s a manual and time-consuming process working with plist files. There is, however, a little known tool called PlistWatch that enables changes to plist files to be monitored in real...