Articles tagged microprofile
Build a Secure GraphQL API with MicroProfile

MicroProfile is an open-source community project with the goal to encourage the development of Java microservice solutions. It was created in 2016 in response to the changing needs of modern web development. In particular, it seeks to foster the development of smaller, less monolithic services (microservices) that can run on faster release cycles than the typical, old-school Enterprise Java application. Shortly after its creation, it joined the Eclipse foundation. MicroProfile, in essence, is a set...
Build a REST API Using Java, MicroProfile, and JWT Authentication

In this post, you will learn how to build a simple REST API using Eclipse MicroProfile and secure it using JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. You’ll also use a free developer account from Okta to configure an OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect (OIDC) application as the OAuth provider, with role-based authorization. That was a lot of jargon. Let’s define a few of the terms (and introduce a few more!). What is Eclipse MicroProfile? It’s an...