Articles tagged openidconnect
Secure Your ASP.NET Web Forms Application with OpenID Connect and Okta
We talk a lot about ASP.NET Core on this blog, but the .NET ecosystem is much much more than just Core. Microsoft is still updating and supporting .NET Framework, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The same is the case with Web Forms, which even got some new features recently. In this post, we’ll take a look at how to easily secure existing ASP.NET Web Forms with via an external provider...
Tutorial: Build a Basic CRUD App with Node.js

Node.js is eating the world. Many of the largest companies are building more and more of their websites and API services with Node.js, and there’s no sign of a slowdown. I’ve been working with Node.js since 2012 and have been excited to see the community and tooling grow and evolve — there’s no better time to get started with Node.js development than right now. This tutorial will take you step-by-step through building a fully-functional Node.js...