Articles tagged spring-data
A Quick Guide to Elasticsearch with Spring Data and Spring Boot

You’ve probably heard of Elasticsearch or the Elastic Stack. The project started as a search engine based on Lucene, an open-source search engine library built by Shay Banon to index his wife’s cooking recipes. Since its early days, Elasticsearch has come a long way and has evolved into the Elastic Stack, a great suite for taking data from any source, in order to search, analyze, and visualize it in near real-time. Elasticsearch is a distributed...
Build a Secure Spring Data JPA Resource Server

In this tutorial, you’re going to use Spring Boot and Spring Data to build a fully functioning web service with ridiculously little effort. You’re also going to use Okta to secure the web service using professional, standards-compliant OIDC JWT authentication. All of this will be bootstrapped by the Okta CLI. Before you get started on the actual application, however, let’s take a look at Spring Data for a moment. Table of Contents What is Spring...
Data Persistence with Hibernate and Spring

Java developers typically encounter the need to store data on a regular basis. If you’ve been developing for more than 15 years, you probably remember the days of JDBC in Java. Using JDBC can be tedious if you don’t like writing SQL. Not only that, but there’s nothing in JDBC that helps you create your database. Hibernate came along and changed everything by allowing you to map POJOs (plain ol’ Java objects) to database tables....
Build a Basic App with Spring Boot and JPA using PostgreSQL

Every non-trivial application needs a way to save and update data: a resource server that is accessible via HTTP. Generally, this data must be secured. Java is a great language with decades of history in professional, enterprise development, and is a great choice for any application’s server stack. Within the Java ecosystem, Spring makes building secure resource servers for your data simple. When coupled with Okta, you get professionally maintained OAuth and JWT technologies easily...
NoSQL Options for Java Developers, Part II
Last month, I wrote about NoSQL Options for Java Developers. I analyzed the data available from a variety of sources (Indeed jobs, GitHub stars, Stack Overflow tags) to pick the top five options: MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Neo4j, and PostgreSQL. After writing this article, I shared it with a few experts I know in the Java and NoSQL communities and asked them the following questions: Do you agree with my choices of the top 5 NoSQL...
NoSQL Options for Java Developers
The Java community is one I know and love, so even though a NoSQL database is rarely tied to a language I’m writing this article for you, Java developers around the world. In this article, I’ll show you several options for NoSQL databases. After exploring all the options, I’ll narrow the choices down to the top five based on Indeed Jobs, GitHub stars, and Stack Overflow tags. Then I’ll let you know if they’re supported...