Articles tagged websockets
Develop Secure Apps with WebSockets and Node.js

WebSockets is a technology for communicating between the client and the server in a web application, where an open socket creates a persistent connection between the client and the server. This method of communication works outside of the HTTP request/response paradigm that has existed since the earliest days of the internet. Since sockets don’t use HTTP they can eliminate the overhead that comes with HTTP for low latency communications. In this tutorial, you will learn...
C# WebSockets Tutorial: Build a Multiplayer Game

It might seem obvious, but HTTP is a transfer protocol for hypertext. It was designed — in 1989 — to allow clients to request and receive hypertext documents from a server. While the protocol is undoubtedly a revolutionary technology, modern web applications have evolved far beyond simply responding to client requests. Today, web applications push more processing onto a client that must accommodate multiple Javascript frameworks and libraries. There is a real need for a...
Tutorial: Develop Apps with Secure WebSockets in Java

WebSockets is a modern transport layer technology that establishes a two-way communication channel between a client and a server, perfect for low-latency, high-frequency interactions. WebSockets tend to be used in collaborative, real-time or event-driven applications, where traditional client-server request-response architecture or long polling would not satisfy requirements. Use cases include stock trading and shared dashboard applications. In this tutorial, I’ll give you a quick overview of the WebSockets protocol and how it handles messages with...
Full Stack Reactive with Spring WebFlux, WebSockets, and React

Spring WebFlux can be used to create a REST API with streaming data. Spring WebFlux can also be integrated with WebSockets to provide notifications that clients can listen to. Combining the two is a powerful way to provide real-time data streaming to JavaScript or mobile clients. Add React to the mix and you have an excellent foundation for a full-stack reactive architecture. React is a UI toolkit (similar to GWT) that lets you build components...