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Articles tagged what-is-oauth

What is the OAuth 2.0 Password Grant Type?

The OAuth 2.0 Password Grant Type is a way to get an access token given a username and password. It’s typically used only by a service’s own mobile apps and is not usually made available to third party developers. Update: The password grant type is prohibited in the latest OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice. Please see for additional information. This post is the third in a series where we explore frequently used OAuth...

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What is the OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant Type?

The Implicit Grant Type is a way for a single-page JavaScript app to get an access token without an intermediate code exchange step. It was originally created for use by JavaScript apps (which don’t have a way to safely store secrets) but is only recommended in specific situations. This post is the second in a series where we explore frequently used OAuth 2.0 grant types. Previously we covered the Authorization Code grant type. If you...

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What is the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant Type?

The Authorization Code Grant Type is probably the most common of the OAuth 2.0 grant types that you’ll encounter. It is used by both web apps and native apps to get an access token after a user authorizes an app. This post is the first part of a series where we explore frequently used OAuth 2.0 grant types. If you want to back up a bit and learn more about OAuth 2.0 before we dive...

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