Devnexus 2019: Join the <dev/>olution

Hello, Developers! Have you ever been to the wonderful conference known as Devnexus? I attended for the first time two years ago and had a blast! It’s well organized, affordable, and has a diverse and fun crowd.
This year, Okta is sponsoring Devnexus and we have a number of speakers sharing their wisdom. I thought it’d be fun to write a blog post that highlights my team members and what they’ll be talking about.
If you’d like to watch, rather than read, I hope you enjoy the video below. 😊
Leadership for the Reluctant Leader by David Neal
When: Friday, March 8 at 9:00 Where: Exhibition Hall B
This keynote focuses on leadership for those who don’t really wanna do it. Regardless of the technology you know, regardless of the job title you have, you have amazing potential to impact your family, workplace, community, and beyond. In this talk, David will share a few candid stories of his career failures… err… learning opportunities. You’ll walk away with some essential leadership skills anyone can develop, and a good dose of encouragement to be more awesome
David Neal is a family man, musician, illustrator, software developer, and Microsoft MVP living in North Georgia.
JavaScript: Hey y’all, watch this! Also by David Neal
When: Thursday, March 7 at 10:00 Where: Ballroom E
This talk will be a parade of face-palm JavaScript fails, stupid JavaScript tricks, and bad jokes sure to get an eye-roll from everyone! Along the way, you may even learn a few mistakes to avoid and tips to make your own JavaScript less terrible!
This is a new talk from the very same awesome illustrator I mentioned above David Neal. You can find him on Twitter @reverentgeek
Useful Cryptography, an Introduction by Randall Degges
When: Thursday, March 7 at 14:40 Where: Ballroom C
This talk focuses on cryptography, which is often thought of as a scary topic. In his talk, you’ll learn about different types of useful cryptography, how they work (without needing a PhD in mathematics), and how to immediately start applying these concepts in your projects.
Randall Degges is a happy programmer that lives in California. He’s also the head honcho of Developer Relations at Okta.
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (In Plain English) by Micah Silverman
When: Friday, March 8 at 13:20 Where: Ballroom C
There’s no shortage of information out there on OAuth and OpenID Connect. Much of it is not helpful for people not already familiar with the standard. This talk takes you through it all - in plain English.
Micah Silverman is a developer, maker, tinkerer, and movie/TV/gaming nerd. He resides in Long Island, NY.
Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and Vue.js by Matt Raible
When: Friday, March 8 at 13:20 Where: 102
In my talk, there will be lots of live coding with Spring Boot and Vue (+ TypeScript!). You’ll learn how to build a Spring Boot API and secure it with Spring Security. You’ll also learn how to build a Vue PWA that talks to this API and have fun doing it!
Hey, that’s me! I’m a hick from the sticks. I grew up in the backwoods of Montana with no electricity and no running water… for 16 years. Now I’m a developer, speaker, VW lover, and family man living near beautiful Denver, Colorado.
Open Source R^3 Jam with Your Community!
On Thursday night, there’s a party to end all parties: food, beverages, a DJ and fun, fun, fun! Take time with your community to RRR (relax, recharge and reflect). We’re super pumped to be sponsoring this event, all our speakers will be there, along with a who’s who of open source technology innovators!

To help promote Devnexus and the Open Source R^3 Jam, we’re giving away a limited amount of t-shirts beforehand. If you write a blog or publish a video (like we’re doing here), you win!
who wants to #earnTHATshirt The #community attending @devnexus has only 2 more weeks to submit a blog/video to secure the coolest swag ever, an #OpenSource R³ Jam 👕 shirt! #relax #recharge #reflect #TOGETHER means #OSSRRR💛💙❤️
— devnexus (@devnexus) February 16, 2019
Learn More about Devnexus
Devnexus has its full schedule listed on its website. Workshops start on Wednesday (March 6), and regular conference sessions are Thursday and Friday.
Okta will have a booth with some cool t-shirts, stickers, and books to give away. We’ll have printed versions of the JHipster Mini-Book 5.0 and OAuth 2.0 Simplified too! To top it off, we’re planning a programmer challenge that allows you to write code to win prizes.
We hope to see you there! Follow us on Twitter if you want to see all the fun we’re having at Devnexus.
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