OAuth Patterns and Anti-Patterns - a DZone Refcard

I’m happy to announce the release of a brand new OAuth cheat sheet published through DZone’s Refcardz, “OAuth Patterns and Anti-Patterns”. This five-page reference guide covers the latest in OAuth and clarifies some common misunderstandings of applying it to real world use cases. With a focus on OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, and best practices, you’ll quickly learn how to avoid some common mistakes and how to make your applications and APIs more secure.
The “OAuth Patterns and Anti-Patterns” Refcard covers a range of topics including:
- Clear and concise definitions of common OAuth terminology
- Tips for securing tokens in browser-based apps
- How PKCE is a more OAuth secure flow
- The difference between access tokens and ID tokens
- Access token validation tips and techniques
Download the PDF here and start improving your OAuth skills today!
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