R2DBC and Spring for Non-Blocking Database Access

Reactive APIs are a powerful way to handle and serve large amounts of data and large numbers of requests in a web application. They rely on a “server-side event” model in which the client (e.g. your browser) subscribes to “events” on the server, and the server “pushes” events to the client as they become available.
For simple CRUD applications this is not very useful. However, in situations with millions of “subscribers” it can offer improved performance versus the standard “request-response” paradigm.
Spring Boot 2.0 provided reactive web technology by integrating with WebFlux, a framework built on top of Project Reactor. Using WebFlux you can create reactive APIs easily in Spring Boot. However, because most Spring Boot applications are CRUD-ish and are backed by relational databases, reactive APIs may not provide much benefit because the underlying database transactions (querying, updating, etc) are synchronous/blocking.
Table of Contents
- What is R2DBC?
- Create a Spring Boot Project with R2DBC
- Create an OpenID Connect Application
- Configure and Secure Your Reactive Spring Boot Application
- Stream Data to a Webpage Using R2DBC
- Learn More About R2DBC and Reactive Web Technologies
What is R2DBC?
R2DBC is an API which provides reactive, non-blocking APIs for relational databases. Using this, you can have your reactive APIs in Spring Boot read and write information to the database in a reactive/asynchronous way.
In this tutorial you will develop a Spring Boot application that:
- Communicates with an H2 database using R2DBC
- Integrates with Okta for security using OAuth 2.0
- Serves reactive streams of data to a secured web page
Let’s get started!
Prerequisites: Java 11
If you would rather follow along by watching a video, check out the screencast below from our YouTube channel.
Create a Spring Boot Project with R2DBC
Click this link or go to start.spring.io and select the following options in your browser:
- Project:
Maven Project
- Language:
- Spring Boot:
Under Project Metadata, set the values to the following:
- Group:
- Artifact:
- Name:
- Description: Spring Boot App for Okta + R2DBC
- Package:
- Packaging:
- Java:
Select the following dependencies:
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Data R2DBC
- Spring Reactive Web
- Okta
- H2 Database
- Lombok
Click Generate to download the project files. Unzip the file and import the project files into your favorite IDE.
Create an OpenID Connect Application
Before you begin, you’ll need a free Okta developer account. Install the Okta CLI and run okta register
to sign up for a new account. If you already have an account, run okta login
Then, run okta apps create
. Select the default app name, or change it as you see fit.
Choose Web and press Enter.
Select Okta Spring Boot Starter.
Accept the default Redirect URI values provided for you. That is, a Login Redirect of http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/okta
and a Logout Redirect of http://localhost:8080
What does the Okta CLI do?
The Okta CLI will create an OIDC Web App in your Okta Org. It will add the redirect URIs you specified and grant access to the Everyone group. You will see output like the following when it’s finished:
Okta application configuration has been written to:
Open src/main/resources/application.properties
to see the issuer and credentials for your app.
NOTE: You can also use the Okta Admin Console to create your app. See Create a Spring Boot App for more information.
Configure and Secure Your Reactive Spring Boot Application
Open your IDE and edit your application’s configuration file at src/main/resources/application.properties
are replaced with values from the Okta CLI.
Open the Java class at com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.OktaR2dbcApplication
and add the @EnableWebFlux
and @EnableR2dbcRepositories
annotations to the main class:
public class OktaR2dbcApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(OktaR2dbcApplication.class, args);
enables the reactive API, and @EnableR2dbcRepositories
configures the application to use reactive database repositories via R2DBC.
Create the persistent entity representing an application user:
package com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.database;
import lombok.Data;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
public class UserEntity {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
private Long id;
private String email;
private String name;
Define a reactive R2dbcRepository
to manage this user entity:
package com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.database;
import org.springframework.data.r2dbc.repository.R2dbcRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
public interface UserRepository extends R2dbcRepository<UserEntity, Long> {
Flux<UserEntity> findByEmail(String email);
The R2dbcRepository
interface abstracts away much of the complexity of managing reactive database connections, but some major differences between this and the non-reactive JpaRepository
should be noted:
- Methods like
which return one entity will instead return aMono<>
object. - Methods like
which return lists of entities will instead return aFlux<>
A thorough explanation of these reactive types is outside the scope of this tutorial. For a more thorough introduction you can check out the official documentation here. For now it is enough to know that these reactive types represent data that is changing or not-yet-whole, and it is the responsibility of the caller to “react” to the results as they become available.
Next you will create an OAuth-enabled UserDetailsService
which will manage our user authentication and security with OAuth 2.0. Create a file at com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.domain.UserDetails
package com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.domain;
// imports omitted
public class UserDetails implements OidcUser {
private final String email;
private final OidcIdToken oidcIdToken;
private final Map<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>();
public UserDetails(String email, OidcUserRequest oidcUserRequest) {
this.email = email;
this.oidcIdToken = oidcUserRequest.getIdToken();
public Map<String, Object> getClaims() {
return new HashMap<>(claims);
public OidcUserInfo getUserInfo() {
return new OidcUserInfo(getClaims());
public OidcIdToken getIdToken() {
return oidcIdToken;
public Map<String, Object> getAttributes() {
return new HashMap<>(attributes);
public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities() {
return Collections.singletonList(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("USER"));
public String getName() {
return email;
This OidcUser
object represents the authenticated user and loads user information from the various claims provided by the OAuth identity provider.
Create the user service at com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.domain.DbUserService
package com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.domain;
// imports omitted
import java.util.Map;
public class DbUserService implements OAuth2UserService<OidcUserRequest, OidcUser>, ReactiveUserDetailsService {
private static final String CLAIM_NAME = "name";
private static final String CLAIM_EMAIL = "email";
private final UserRepository userRepository;
public DbUserService(UserRepository userRepository) {
this.userRepository = userRepository;
public OidcUser loadUser(OidcUserRequest oidcUserRequest) throws OAuth2AuthenticationException {
Map<String, Object> metadata = oidcUserRequest.getIdToken().getClaims();
String email = (String) metadata.get(CLAIM_EMAIL);
String name = (String) metadata.get(CLAIM_NAME);
Flux<UserEntity> userLookup = userRepository.findByEmail(email);
UserEntity userEntity = userLookup.blockFirst();
if (userEntity == null) {
userEntity = new UserEntity();
userEntity = userRepository.save(userEntity).block();
return new UserDetails(userEntity.getEmail(), oidcUserRequest);
public Mono<org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetails> findByUsername(String username) {
return null; // not used
The DbUserService
handles requests from OAuth 2.0 to automatically load users into the database. The user’s information will be created or updated on each login via the reactive connections provided by UserRepository
Secure the application by creating a configuration file at com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.config.SecurityConfig
package com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.config;
// imports omitted
public class SecurityConfig {
public ReactiveUserDetailsService userDetailsService(UserRepository userRepository) {
return new DbUserService(userRepository);
public SecurityWebFilterChain configure(ServerHttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
return http
.pathMatchers("/", "/index").permitAll()
.authenticationSuccessHandler(new RedirectServerAuthenticationSuccessHandler("/protected"))
The @EnableWebFluxSecurity
annotation secures the application according to the settings defined in configure()
. There are some small differences between this and the normal security configuration classes usually seen in non-reactive Spring Boot apps, but it should appear familiar. To note:
- The home page (
) is exposed and not protected by authentication. - All other requests/pages are protected
- OAuth 2.0 login behavior is enabled by
- After a successful OAuth 2.0 login, the user is redirected to a protected page:
Now to create the web pages. Create a file at src/main/resources/pages/index.html
with the following content:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>R2DBC Example - Home</title>
This is the main page for the application and does not require authentication to access. Next create a file at src/main/resources/pages/protected.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>R2DBC Example - Protected</title>
Okta login successful!
For serving these pages with WebFlux you will create an application router that maps HTTP requests to resources in the codebase.
Create a Java class at com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.ApplicationRouter
with the following content:
package com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc;
// imports omitted
public class ApplicationRouter {
// (1)
private Resource indexHtml;
// (2)
private Resource protectedHtml;
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route() {
return RouterFunctions
// (3)
.route(RequestPredicates.GET("/index"), request -> pageResponse(indexHtml))
.andRoute(RequestPredicates.GET("/"), request -> pageResponse(indexHtml))
// (4)
.andRoute(RequestPredicates.GET("/protected"), request -> pageResponse(protectedHtml));
private static Mono<ServerResponse> pageResponse(Resource page) {
return ServerResponse
.contentType(MediaType.TEXT_HTML) // (5)
.body(DataBufferUtils.read(page, new DefaultDataBufferFactory(), 4096), DataBuffer.class);
In this class you can see the following:
- The page resources created above are injected as
objects at (1) and (2). - A mapping to the unprotected
page is defined in (3). - A mapping to the protected
page is defined in (4). - (5) When creating the server response (which is a reactive
content type is specified. This makes sure your browser renders the content as an HTML page and not plain text.
One more step is necessary to get the application running. R2DBC does not automatically generate the database schema, so you must do it yourself.
Create a file at src/main/resources/schema.sql
with the following content:
email VARCHAR2,
Spring Boot will automatically detect the schema.sql
file and execute it to create the user_entity
table on startup.
Open your command line tool and run the application:
cd /path/to/okta-r2dbc-app
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080
and you should see the unprotected index page:
Next navigate to http://localhost:8080/protected
. You should be prompted to log in with Okta, and after successfully authenticating, returned to the protected page:
Stream Data to a Webpage Using R2DBC
You’ve successfully implemented R2DBC in your Spring Boot application, but the behavior is still non-reactive: querying and saving users during authentication is still a synchronous, blocking process. Now you will implement a non-blocking API endpoint which reads from the database using reactive techniques.
Create a persistence entity at com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.database.HeartbeatEntity
package com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.database;
// imports omitted
public class HeartbeatEntity {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
private Long id;
private Long timestamp;
private String username;
private String text;
// getters and setters omitted
Create a @Repository
for this entity at com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.database.HeartbeatRepository
package com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.database;
public interface HeartbeatRepository extends R2dbcRepository<HeartbeatEntity, Long> {
Open the initialization SQL file at src/main/resources/schema.sql
and add the table definition for HEARTBEAT_ENTITY
so it looks like this:
email VARCHAR2,
timestamp BIGINT NOT NULL,
The database model for Heartbeats
is complete, now you’ll create:
- A service to generate and save heartbeats to the database
- An HTTP endpoint routing to serve a reactive stream of heartbeats
- Simple JavaScript to display the stream on a web page
Create the heartbeat service at com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.service.HeartbeatService
package com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.service;
// imports omitted
public class HeartbeatService {
private final HeartbeatRepository heartbeatRepository;
public HeartbeatService(HeartbeatRepository heartbeatRepository) {
this.heartbeatRepository = heartbeatRepository;
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 1000) // 1 second
public void create() {
HeartbeatEntity heartbeatEntity = new HeartbeatEntity();
private static String randomString() {
int lower = 'A';
int upper = 'Z';
return IntStream.range(0, 10)
.mapToObj(i -> {
double range = upper-lower;
char charIdx = ((char)(lower + (range * Math.random())));
return String.valueOf(charIdx);
The create()
method is marked with Spring Boot’s @Scheduled
annotation, which will cause the method to be called asynchronously on a schedule you define. Specifying fixedRate = 1000
means the method will execute every 1000 milliseconds (i.e. one second).
To enable scheduling, you must also add the @EnableScheduling
annotation to a configuration class. Open the main application class at com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.OktaR2dbcApplication
and add it:
@EnableScheduling // <-- added
public class OktaR2dbcApplication { ... }
Open your application router at com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc.ApplicationRouter
and modify the route()
method to add a routing for /heartbeats
package com.okta.dev.oktar2dbc;
// imports omitted
public class ApplicationRouter {
// other code omitted
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route() {
return RouterFunctions
.route(RequestPredicates.GET("/index"), request -> pageResponse(indexHtml))
.andRoute(RequestPredicates.GET("/"), request -> pageResponse(indexHtml))
.andRoute(RequestPredicates.GET("/protected"), request -> pageResponse(protectedHtml))
.andRoute(RequestPredicates.GET("/heartbeats"), request -> {
Flux<Long> interval = Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(1));
Flux<HeartbeatEntity> heartbeatEntityFlux = heartbeatRepository.findAll();
Flux<HeartbeatEntity> zipped = Flux.zip(heartbeatEntityFlux, interval, (key, value) -> key);
return ServerResponse
.body(zipped, HeartbeatEntity.class);
Within the /heartbeats
routing you are:
- Defining a
which will publish aLong
object every second (the value of theLong
is not important here, just that it publishes every second) - Defining
which is aFlux
of allHeartbeatEntities
in the database - Creating a “zipped”
which interpolates items from the twoFlux
. An item will be published frominterval
, and then one fromheartbeatEntityFlux
, and then one frominterval
, etc. - Returning this stream with a
Open the protected HTML page at src/main/resources/pages/protected.html
and modify it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>R2DBC Example - Protected</title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
var cnx = new EventSource('http://localhost:8080/heartbeats');
cnx.onmessage = function (e) {
var data = JSON.parse(e.data);
var htmlText = '<tr><td>'+data.id+'</td><td>'+data.timestamp+'</td><td>'+data.text+'</td></tr>';
$( "#heartbeatTable > tbody" ).append(htmlText);
<h1>Okta login successful!</h1>
<table id="heartbeatTable">
The JavaScript function:
- Opens a streaming connection with the
endpoint defined above - Creates an HTML table row whenever new data is received from the stream
- Appends that table row to the body of
Start the application again:
cd /path/to/okta-r2dbc-app
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/protected
. When the page loads you should see a streaming, constantly updating list of heartbeats.
Congratulations! You’ve created a Spring Boot application using R2DBC and written a reactive API to serve content!
Learn More About R2DBC and Reactive Web Technologies
This tutorial provided a very basic setup for how to use reactive frameworks and techniques with Spring Boot. For in-depth examples and use cases not covered in this tutorial, see Spring’s official documentation for R2DBC.
The source code for this example is on GitHub in the oktadev/okta-spring-boot-r2dbc-example repository.
Check out these other articles on using reactive web with Spring Boot:
- Build Reactive APIs with Spring WebFlux
- Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster
- Secure Reactive Microservices with Spring Cloud Gateway
- Full Stack Reactive with Spring WebFlux, WebSockets, and React
Please provide comments, questions, and any feedback in the comments section below.
Follow us on social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) to know when we’ve posted more articles like this, and please subscribe to our YouTube channel for tutorials and screencasts!
We’re also streaming on Twitch, follow us to be notified when we’re live.
- Oct 26, 2021: Updated to use Spring Boot 2.5.6. You can view the changes in this post in okta-blog#935; example app changes are in okta-spring-boot-r2dbc-example#3.
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