July Podcast: Developing Okta's SDKs with Laura Rodriguez and Alisa Duncan

Having libraries that interact with services helps make your coding life easier when developing solutions. You may evaluate and estimate the complexity of your software development projects based on the Software Development Kit (SDK) ease of use. So what makes a great SDK?
Building SDKs to delight developers
Staff SDK Engineer Laura Rodriguez and Developer Advocate Alisa Duncan join us this month to discuss the SDKs that make Okta’s APIs idiomatically accessible from various languges and frameworks.
Why do we publish SDKs? How can you pick up languages on the fly to develop high-quality code in them?
Find the Okta Workforce Identity Podcast on SDK Development
Listen to the audio version on Casted here.
Have you used our SDKs? Tell us about your experiences in the comments below, and follow OktaDev on YouTube and Twitter!
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