Articles tagged laravel
A Developer's Guide to Elasticsearch with Laravel

Elasticsearch is a search engine that can be integrated into any of your tech stacks using its REST APIs and its wide selection of libraries. By installing and integrating Elasticsearch into your system, you can add a search engine to your website, add autocomplete functionalities, use its machine learning functionalities to perform analysis on your data and provide better results for your users, and much more. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to integrate Elasticsearch...
Authentication Patterns for PHP Microservices

Microservices are an increasingly popular architecture, as they allow you to split application development into smaller, easier-to-manage pieces. However, microservices introduce complexity when it comes to implementing authentication. Generally, you only need to worry about one point of ingress for auth with a traditional monolithic application. Still, there are multiple ways to set things up with microservices and just as many authentication patterns to suit. In this tutorial, you’ll see how to build a small...
Comparing Authentication in Laravel Versions 6, 7, and 8

Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks in use today. Version 8 was released in September 2020, and while the bulk of the framework hasn’t changed, each of the three most recent versions have included updates to the authentication pattern. While Laravel 7 and 8 will both stop receiving updates in 2021, Laravel 6 is a long-term support version and will include security fixes until September 2022. So, if you’re upgrading or starting...
Protecting a Laravel API with JWT

With the increasing popularity of single-page apps and the growing API economy, JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are becoming a very popular method for authenticating users. Rather than relying on the server to store the user’s state, JWTs encode information in a keyed payload stored on the client. JWTs are not inherently less secure than server-side session storage. But developers should understand the tradeoffs and know what to do if a JWT is compromised. You should...
What's New in Laravel 8

With Laravel 8’s release in September 2020, the popular PHP framework continues to offer new features and improvements. After version 5, Laravel moved to semantic versioning and the more frequent releases have meant smaller changes between each one. That said, there are still several exciting updates in this version of the framework. While Laravel will continue to offer security fixes for version 7 until early 2021, no more bug fixes will be released after October...
Build a Simple Laravel App with Authentication

PHP remains the single most popular language choice when creating the backend of a new web application. Within the PHP ecosystem, there are many options when starting a new project: you can use a content management system (CMS) like Wordpress or Drupal, or one of the many frameworks with large user bases and active communities in the PHP world (such as Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Yii, Zend Framework). However, if you look at the PHP framework...
Building Scalable Laravel Apps with PostgreSQL

Laravel is one of the hottest frameworks for backend and full-stack development of Web applications today. It boasts a large number of quality features out-of-the-box, but it’s still easy to learn the basics. The community is vast, and there are tons of free resources available on the Internet. This sample application will use Postgres as the backend database system, Okta for user authentication, and Heroku for quick deployment to a scalable platform. Heroku is a...
Build a Basic CRUD App with Laravel and Vue

Laravel is one of the most popular web frameworks today because of its elegance, simplicity, and readability. It also boasts one of the largest and most active developer communities. The Laravel community has produced a ton of valuable educational resources, including this one! In this tutorial, you’ll build a trivia game as two separate projects: a Laravel API and a Vue frontend (using vue-cli). This approach offers some important benefits: It allows you to separate...
Build Simple Login in PHP

Building a user authentication system for your Web application from scratch can be a deceptively tricky job. It seems easy at first, but there are so many details you have to consider - hashing the passwords properly, securing the user sessions, providing a way to reset forgotten passwords. Most modern frameworks offer boilerplate code for dealing with all of these issues but even if you’re not using a framework, do not despair. In this article,...
Build a Basic CRUD App with Laravel and React

Laravel is an amazing web application framework which regularly tops the lists of best PHP frameworks available today. This is partly because its based on PHP which runs 80% of the web today and the learning curve is relatively small (despite it being packed with advanced features, you can understand the basic concepts easily). However, the real reason for its popularity is its robust ecosystem and abundance of high-quality learning resources available for free (like...
Tutorial: Build a Basic CRUD App with Laravel and Angular

Laravel is a popular PHP framework for Web application development and it’s a pretty good choice if you’re starting a new project today for multiple reasons: Laravel is a well-architectured framework that’s easy to pick up and write elegant code, but it’s powerful as well. It contains many advanced features out-of-the-box: Eloquent ORM, support for unit/feature/browser tests, job queues, and many more. There’s an abundance of great learning resources and it boasts one of the...