Articles tagged sql
How to Write Secure SQL Common Table Expressions

Common table expressions are a powerful feature of Microsoft SQL Server. They allow you to store a temporary result and execute a statement afterward using that result set. These can be helpful when trying to accomplish a complicated process that SQL Server isn’t well suited to handle. CTEs allow you to perform difficult operations in two distinct steps that make the challenge easier to solve. In this article, you will learn how to write common...
SQL Injection in PHP: Practices to Avoid

SQL injections are one of the most common vulnerabilities found in web applications. Today, I’m going to explain what a SQL injection attack is and take a look at an example of a simple vulnerable PHP application accessing a SQLite or MySQL database. After that, we’ll look at several methods to prevent this attack, fixing the problem. Prerequisites Make sure you have the following software installed and enabled on your system: PHP 7 Composer PHP...
Build a Weight Tracker App with Node.js and PostgreSQL

Did you make any resolutions this year? One resolution I seem to make every year is to lose weight and exercise. Sometimes I even stick to it. A good way I have found to keep on track with any resolution is to record progress. There’s something about visualizing progress that helps me stay motivated. In this tutorial, you are going to create a modern Node.js application to keep track of weight measurements. We’ll use technologies...
The Top 5 DevOps Automation Tools .NET Developers Should Know

Not too long ago, deployments were done by hand - manually pushed to a physical server somewhere in a building your company owned. The software engineering world has come a long way since then, and we have more options than ever get our code and data live, automatically. Here are a few tools every C#/.NET developer should know that can help with that process, vetted by some of the best software leaders in the business....
Spring Boot with PostgreSQL, Flyway, and JSONB

In this tutorial, you are going to learn more about PostgreSQL and how to integrate it with a Spring Boot application. You will learn how to install a simple PostgreSQL instance using Docker and how to connect a Spring Boot application to it. After that, you’ll create a simple database schema and add some data to it. Next, I’ll show you how to create SQL files to deliver database changes, which are more suitable for...