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5 Talks I can't wait to see at Disclosure 2020

On September 2, 2020, Okta will host Disclosure, our public security conference. There will be two tracks: one that is focused on general computer and network security and one that is aimed at developers who are interested in security as it relates to programming. The conference is virtual and runs from 9 am to 6 pm PT.

There are a couple of talks I am super-stoked to see and I wanted to take a quick minute to explain why.

Strategic Cyber Warfare: In Great Power Competition, Cybercraft > Kinetic War

While the opening keynote is not specifically directed at developers, it is certainly timely. I’m very interested in how this works. How do we defend against cyber attacks? What exactly is happening in a “cyber-warfare” attack? We keep hearing about foreign governments or groups hacking our elections, our emails, our democracy. I’m just interested to see what that might actually mean from a strategic perspective.

How Ops Work Made Me Better at AppSec

I’ve been working with Docker and DevOps for a while now, but I’ve only scratched the surface on what AppSec means for DevOps. I’ve always relied on my AppSec friends and coworkers to help me understand the security ramifications of anything I do in DevOps. I’m interested to see how those two functions work together and how I might improve my security awareness when it comes to ops-based work.

How to Think About OAuth Security

This will be a stellar talk no matter what. Aaron Parecki is part of the OAuth working group and is extremely knowledgable when it comes to OAuth and OpenID Connect. Even though I live in that world every day, I always learn something new when listening to Aaron talk about OAuth. I look forward to hearing about the newest best practices when it comes to OAuth 2.0 and I am confident Aaron will deliver!

Blasting Browser Security with Extensions

Another engaging speaker and a super interesting topic. Micah is a smart and mischievous developer with a passion for “tinkering”. He will be talking about how to write, debug, and package a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. He will be covering not just the “how-to”, but what things to look out for and how some extensions might have a little more power than they should really have. Sure to be an enlightening and entertaining talk!

Introduction to Public Key Cryptography

While I work in the security space, I’m not super familiar with a lot of the inner workings of cryptography and encryption. So I’ll be interested to get a good introduction to public-key cryptography. Hopefully, it will get me started down the road of taking a deeper dive into the world of cryptography, and help me understand what public-key cryptography actually is and does, practically.

Take a look at the agenda and comment below on the talks you’re excited to see at this year’s Disclosure Conference! And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to register!

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