Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Session Management in Node.js

Session Management is a pretty scary term for a lot of developers. Most of the mechanics of session management are abstracted away from developers, to the point where they don’t properly learn about it until it’s necessary. Usually, this means a late night trying to figure out a vulnerability, a bug, or how to work with a new session management library. Hopefully, I can remove some of the magic behind session management in NodeJs and give you a good fundamental place to start. In this article, you will learn what sessions are, how to manage them in Node.js, and some details that should help you minimize bugs and vulnerabilities.
Overview of Sessions
I will start at the beginning. When a user uses your web application, they make an HTTP request to the webserver. The server then knows what to do with this request and returns a response. The user’s request must contain all the necessary information for the server to make a decision. For example, is the user authenticated? Is he/she authorized to view a specific page? Does the user have a shopping cart that needs to be displayed? All this information that makes the user experience feel seamless, as though he/she is using one continuous application, must be transmitted from the client to the server. If the application were to transmit all this data back and forth on each request, you would introduce massive security and performance concerns. There are many ways to streamline this effort, but for the sake of this article, I will focus on cookie-based sessions.
When a user sends a request to your web application, they will add a session cookie to the request headers. If this is the first time a user has requested your site, the server will create a new session cookie and return it to the client. The session is given an ID that both the client and server can reference. This enables the application to split the session data between that which is stored on the client-side and that which is stored on the server. For example, the cookie may tell the application the session ID and that the user is authenticated. The server can use this information to access the user’s shopping cart in the server’s store.
Of course, any time an application sends information to the client it could possibly end up in an enemy’s hands. The majority of your users aren’t necessarily bad actors, but bad actors are certainly looking for ways to exploit your application. Most security concerns should be addressed by you, the developer and maintainer of the application and the developer of whatever session management library you’re using.
Session Management Risks
As an aside, I should note that it’s generally better to use a well-established session management library than to roll your own. You will see a few examples of that later in this article. For now, let’s take a look at some common session security concerns.
Session Prediction
Each session has an associated session ID with it. It is very important that this session ID is properly randomized, such that an attacker cannot simply guess a few options and bypass any security associated with the session ID. Suppose your session IDs were sequential integers. An attacker could log in, create a new session, and see their session ID is 12345
. The attacker could then try to pass the session ID 12344
or 12343
to the server in an attempt to hijack a session from another user.
Session Sniffing
In session sniffing, an attacker can use a sniffing application such as Wireshark or a proxy to capture network traffic between a client and server. As you’ve learned, that traffic will ultimately contain a request with a session cookie in it. This cookie will have the session ID which can then be hijacked.
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
In a man-in-the-middle attack, an attacker sits between the web server and the client. The attacker can then pass requests from the client to the server and respond without detection from either. But along the way, the attacker has gained access to the session.
Client Side Attacks
There are many strategies for attacking the client. Some of the best known are Cross-Site Scripting, Trojans, and malicious javascript codes. Sometimes it just takes some good old-fashioned social engineering to obtain session information from a client. The idea here is that the attack will attempt to exploit the client itself to get access from the cookie in the browser’s storage. For example, an attacker that can inject malicious Javascript code could inject the following javascript:
With that simple line of code, the attack can now gain access to the cookie along with all the session goodies in it.
Good Session Management Practices
All of this is probably a little scary, But many people are working on the other side to help prevent these attacks or minimize their impacts. Most of these strategies are rolled into session management libraries, and any library that is continuously maintained should be up to date with the latest security enhancements. But, it’s important for you, as a developer who takes security seriously, to understand what security should be in place.
Session Secret
Any good session management library should come with an option to change the session secret
. It may have slightly different names but the idea is always the same. The secret is used to compute a hash against the session ID. This helps to prevent session hijacking by ensuring the session cookie hasn’t been tampered with.
Session Expiration
Another good practice is to expire the session after some predetermined time. There are two ways to expire a session: (1) based on inactivity or (2) absolutely. When you base your expiration on inactivity, it will keep the session open until the user hasn’t made a request for some amount of time. When you choose to expire it absolutely, then the session will expire after some predetermined time, regardless of activity. The session will then need to be refreshed. You should at least set an inactivity session expiration so you don’t have stale and vulnerable sessions available for attack.
Cookie Expiration
Similar to session expiration, you can also expire the cookie that was sent to the browser. Many times, cookies are set to expire when the session expires. However, it is possible to allow the cookie to remain available indefinitely. This is a poor decision for the same reason as session expiration. Generally, session expiration is a strong tool for minimizing the impacts of attack, but implementing cookie expiration is also helpful.
Regeneration of Session After Login
When a user first accesses your site, he/she can use an anonymous session. This is a fairly common practice where you want to track a user’s movements in your application but don’t want to require them to log in. For example, consider a shopping site where an anonymous user can have a shopping cart but can’t check out until he/she logs in. In this case, there is still a session ID provided to the user. When the user does log in, you should regenerate the session ID to prevent session fixation attacks against your web application.
Session Management in Node.js
Node.js has become wildly popular over the last 10 years. With it, several frameworks and session management libraries have cropped up to support it. Most frameworks use their own session management middleware. For example, express
, the most popular server framework for Node.js, has the accompanying express-session
for session management. Similarly, koa
uses koajs/session
for its session management.
For this article, I want to focus on express-session
, as it is one of the most mature and widely used session management libraries available for Node.js. For a full rundown of the express-session
package, you can view the readme here. Below are some of the highlights:
Registering the middleware for express-session
is very simple.
var session = require('express-session')
var app = express()
secret: 'SomeSuperLongHardToGuessSecretString',
resave: true,
saveUninitialized: false,
This is the minimum you need to do to get express-session
working in a development environment. As discussed, the secret is used in hashing the session ID, to ensure it isn’t tampered with between the client and the server. This should be some very long, complex string that is hard to guess. This string should be rotated periodically to ensure that if it was compromised, it doesn’t stay that way long. The secret
can also take an array of secrets to make it even harder to guess.
The resave
option enforces that the session is resaved against the server store on each request, even if the session wasn’t modified. The saveUninitialized
property forces a new session to be saved. Both the resave
and saveUninitialized
options are left to your discretion on how best to implement. Generally, saveUninitialized: false
is used to reduce the session storage on the server for unauthenticated requests. resave
is defaulted to true, but to reduce overhead you can set it to false if your store allows.
Speaking of the store, you notice in this example you haven’t implemented one. The default server-side session storage is MemoryStore
. According to the documentation, this is purposely not designed for production. This means it’s fine to leave the above code this way in development, but you should implement a different store in production. Not doing so can result in memory leaks and does not scale past a single process. A list of compatible session stores can be found here.
The following example uses express-sessions
(note sessions instead of session) as a server-side store using MongoDB:
secret: 'SomeSuperLongHardToGuessSecretString',
resave: true,
saveUninitialized: false,
store: new (require('express-sessions'))({
storage: 'mongodb',
instance: mongoose,
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
db: 'test',
collection: 'sessions',
expire: 86400
Now your application will use your MongoDB instance to store the server session data. Express-sessions
also supports a Redis implementation. Furthermore, there are many libraries for supporting other databases and in-memory solutions. Your stack will likely dictate what package you need to use.
Coming back to the security aspect of sessions, you learned that you should expire the session and the cookie. The example below builds on our working example to do just that.
secret: 'SomeSuperLongHardToGuessSecretString',
resave: true,
saveUninitialized: false,
store: new (require('express-sessions'))({
storage: 'mongodb',
instance: mongoose,
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
db: 'test',
collection: 'sessions',
expire: 86400
cookie: { maxAge: 2628000000 },
In the above expression, only the session ID is stored in the cookie, so you can set the cookie.maxAge
value to expire the session and the cookie in one shot. There is also an option for cookie.expires
, however it is recommended that you set the maxAge
option instead.
Now from your routes, you should be able to access the session
object from your request object. Earlier you learned that you should regenerate your session after the user logs in. Let’s take a look at that using express and the ExpressOIDC
from Okta.
const oidc = new ExpressOIDC({
issuer: {yourOktaDomain} + "/oauth2/default",
client_id: {yourClientId},
client_secret: {yourClientSecret},
appBaseUrl: process.env.APP_BASE_URL,
scope: "openid profile",
routes: {
login: {
path: "/users/login",
callback: {
path: "/authorization-code/callback",
loginCallback: {
afterCallback: "/users/afterLogin",
app.get("/users/afterLogin", ensureAuthenticated, (request, response, next) => {
request.session.regenerate(function(err) {
// will have a new session here
In the above example, you are registering the ExpressOIDC
middleware provided by Okta to handle the login. After the successful login, you redirect the users to the users/afterLogin
router, which then has access to the request
object. Express-session
has attached the session
object to the request for you and you can use the session
API to call regenerate
. This will create a new session for the logged-in users.
Learn More
Session management is a topic that you could spend days researching and understanding. As I noted, the session management package you will use in Node.js will largely depend on your stack and your server framework. However, by becoming familiar with implementing safe and optimized session management in one framework, you can carry that knowledge to all other Node.js frameworks.
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