Articles tagged go
Getting to Know GooseClip: Interview with an Okta Hackathon Winner

Okta Early Access Hackathon revisited In August, Okta’s developer relations team invited intrepid developers to participate in the virtual Okta Identity Engine Early Access Hackathon, and challenged them to build a working app with our limited availability new customer identity and access management (CIAM) platform. A month or so after, judges convened, winners were announced, and thousands of dollars in prizes were distributed. Kudos to hundreds of participants, and props to all involved. In October,...
Spreading Some Okta Love to the DevOps World

Hello Oktaverse! So finally, I have landed at Okta on my second attempt 😉. I’m so excited about this new chapter in my career journey and can’t wait to see what’s in store. But first, introductions. Who am I I’m from the south of India, a village in Kerala to be specific, but I grew up in Chennai since my parents moved there looking for work when I was 12. I like to call myself...
Getting Started with Libsodium in Python and Go

The Networking and Cryptography library (NaCl pronounced “salt”) is a software library that provides the core operations required to build cryptographic tools. Sodium is a fork of NaCl with an extended API; it’s portable, and binaries are available to be used by various programming languages and operating systems. It comes in the form of a library called libsodium. Although there are several Python and Go cryptography libraries, it is primarily a matter of personal choice...
Fixing Common Problems with CORS and JavaScript

Many websites have JavaScript functions that make network requests to a server, such as a REST API. The web pages and APIs are often in different domains. This introduces security issues in that any website can request data from an API. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) provides a solution to these issues. It became a W3C recommendation in 2014. It makes it the responsibility of the web browser to prevent unauthorized access to APIs. All modern...
Discovering macOS Settings with PlistWatch

In the Apple operating systems macOS and iOS, software applications store essential configuration data in an information property list (plist) files. The plist files are managed by the operating system. Although macOS does have utilities for reading and writing plist files, they are low level. It’s a manual and time-consuming process working with plist files. There is, however, a little known tool called PlistWatch that enables changes to plist files to be monitored in real...
Elasticsearch in Go: A Developer's Guide

Elasticsearch is a popular datastore for all types of information. It is distributed for speed and scalability and can index many types of content which makes it highly searchable. It uses simple REST APIs for ease of access. Go has an official Elasticsearch library which makes it simple for Go developers to work with data stored in Elasticsearch programmatically. Today we’re going to take a look at how you can easily build a simple app...
Building and Securing a Go and Gin Web Application

Today, we are going to build a simple web application that implements a to-do list. The backend will be written in Go. It will use the Go Gin Web Framework which implements a high-performance HTTP server. The front end will use the Vue.js JavaScript framework to implement a single page application (SPA). We will secure it using Okta OAuth 2.0 authentication. Let’s get started! PS: The code for this project can be found on GitHub...
API Key Best Practices and Examples

When you’re using a REST API, especially one that incurs costs or has usage limits, you need to use an API key to access the API in question. For example, if you’re creating a user account with the Okta API, you’ll need to include your API key in that request for it to succeed. Because API keys grant access to API calls which may change important data or incur significant charges. It is therefore important...
Offline JWT Validation with Go

Modern authentication systems use and generate JSON Web Tokens (JWT). There are many different ways that JWTs are used but, in this post, we will concentrate on JWTs that are used as OIDC access tokens. When a user successfully logs in to an application using a service like Okta, an OIDC access token is generated in the form of a JWT. That token can be passed in requests to the backend. The backend can then...
Build a Single-Page App with Go and Vue

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) improve user experience by offering rich UI interactions, fast feedback, and the relief of knowing you don’t need to download and install a traditional application. Browsers are now operating systems and websites are apps. While a SPA isn’t always the answer, for apps that rely on snappy user interaction they are increasingly common. To the end user, a well-designed SPA feels like rainbows and unicorns. From the developer perspective, reality can often...
Add the Power of Webhooks to Your App with Okta's System Log
UPDATE: Since this article was written we’ve released official webhook support in Okta! If you’d like to see an easier way to handle webhooks in Okta, please check out our new docs. If you’ve used webhooks before, you probably understand the magical powers they boast. Do you want to build a sleep tracker for your dog? Get notified when it’s going to rain? Or maybe have new Eventbrite attendees automatically added to Salesforce? You can...